Please follow these guidelines while posting:
- Post helpful answers.
- Do not copy answers or discussions from other sites.
- Do not use SMS language.
- Use proper English, correct spellings and grammar.
- Do not use abusive language.
- Do not use all capital letters, that is: DON’T SHOUT.
- Links to only official websites of Institutions and Organizations are permissible. If you give links to some other site, your post or thread can be deleted.
- Do not copy or rewrite other members’ answers.
- Do not post wrong information.
- Do not post 3-4 words answers. You should have details in your posts.
- Do not give answers like “Search this on Google, you’ll find it”. People who ask questions, come here after searching Google.
- You can not promote any product/services/coaching etc. if you have any affiliation with them.
- Do not write things like ‘Dear friend’ or ‘All the best’ or ‘Best of luck’ etc.
- You can post only on those threads which have zero replies.